Special Video of the Month

Monday, February 9, 2009

Received a email from Wencong asking if this is true...

This email said:

DO NOT eat shrimp/Prawn if you have just taken VITAMIN C pills!!
This will cause you to DIE in ARSENIC (As) toxication within HOURS!!
Reported in Taiwan.

After some researching and found out that it’s a hoax.
It’s been a chain letter on the net since 2005.

Found a write up on the net.

Therefore, it’s not true and BREAK the chain if you receive one.


Receiving this email let me ponder how many people actually analyze a situation or a article when they received it.

I have a lot of comments from my customers like -

" I heard from my friends that Kids cannot eat Omega 3"

"I read from newspaper that Olive Oil is good for cooking"

" Aiya, all the honey is the same la..."

Should I say they are naive, innocent, or can't be bother to find out the truth?

Can we take the "truth" as the truth?

" I heard from my friends that Kids cannot eat Omega 3"

My response : Who is your friend? Is your friend a Nutritionist or a Doctor?

If you want to buy a shoe, you will go to a shoe shop.

Go to a right and reliable source to get the right answer.

"I read from newspaper that Olive Oil is good for cooking"

My response : Who wrote the article in the newspaper? Reporter.

Where did the reporter get it's information from? From the Cooking Chef.

Did the Chef represent any company? Yes, the Olive XXX company

Now you know it.

Do the Chef know about nutrition? We don't know.

Do the Chef know the chemistry reaction between heat and Olive Oil? We don't know.

Can we trust the newspaper article? You decide for yourself.

" Aiya, all the honey is the same la..."

Is all honey the same?

It may taste sweet for all honey but their benefit is not the same.

Using ONE and only ONE point to judge an element is not a strong point.

A few points to note: The Source of the Honey, How many type of Flower are there?, How do human collect honey from the bee?

God create everything in the world uniquely.

Everything will have a sight difference.

I will not write a long article on the Honey,

They are a lot of articles on the internet and library to find more about honey.

Or to save time, Come for our Bee Honey talk. :)


Collect data, Interpret data and Analyze data


You do not know what you don't know.


Forever Yours,



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