Special Video of the Month

Saturday, July 31, 2010

VapoRub may be harmful to children below 2 years old.

A warning has been issued about the popular cough and cold treatment Vicks VapoRub. Experts say it should not be used on children under 2 years of age.

Vicks VapoRub, a salve which can be bought over the counter, is used to relieve coughs and congestion, but can apparently harm infants and toddlers.

According to Dr. Bruce Rubin from Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Vicks VapoRub can have severe effects on breathing in young children because it may stimulate mucus production and airway inflammation.

The product made by Procter and Gamble has been around since 1905 – it is applied to the chest or throat for congestion relief or to relieve sore muscles.

Dr. Rubin was first alerted to the dangers of the misuse of the Vaporub when an 18-month-old child developed severe respiratory distress after it was put directly under her nose.

Dr. Rubin says the ingredients in Vicks can be irritants, causing the body to produce more mucus to protect the airway and infants and young children have airways that are much narrower than those of adults, so any increase in mucus or inflammation can narrow them more severely.

The research is published the current issue of CHEST.

Many thanks to Everyone that have help us in the moving of the office.

We are moving to

Enjoying our cozy home now...... :)

Sunday, July 25, 2010

1. Exfoliating too much

Getting rid of dead skin cells helps brighten and soften skin, but sloughing too often or using abrasive scrubs can lead to redness and irritation. Exfoliate just once or twice a week. And choose a chemical exfoliator such as glycolic acid or gentle cleansing beads. Avoid using scrub mitts and exfoliators with an uneven texture, such as walnut shells. Skip the exfoliator if you are using retinoid or AHA products, because these products already have skin sloughing effects themselves.

Suggested product: Forever Aloe Scrub

With its unique combination of stabilized aloe vera gel and solid micro-spheres made from pure Jojoba Oil, this effective skin cleanser is gentle enough for everyday use and strong enough to clear away the debris that accumulates in the delicate pores of the skin.

In combination, these two natural ingredients will clear the way for the skin’s own unique renewal process, while helping to protect it from the drying and damaging effects of synthetic cleansers.

Forever Aloe Scrub ® gently scrubs away dead skin cells and debris that clog pores and dull the skin’s appearance, to begin revealing radiant “new,” healthier skin.

2. Sleeping with your makeup on

If you come in, from a particularly late evening, the last thing you want to do is to wash your face. However, leaving all the dirt, oil and makeup on
your face the entire night can set the stafe for acne and clogged pores. To make taking it all off simpler, invest in no-rinse face wipes and keep them on your nightstand

Suggested product: Exfoliating Cleanser

Exfoliating Cleanser is prepared from hypo-allergenic ingredients to create a light, non-greasy, non-irritating lotion that is pH and moisture-balanced. It is fast and thorough in removing makeup, dirt, and other invisible skin debris. Use it as the first step in preparing your skin for a full Aloe Facial, or simply in the daily, routine skin care program of our Aloe Restorative Beauty Regime. Exfoliating Cleanser contains just the right amount of Jojoba Oil and water to leave your skin feeling fresh and thoroughly clean!

3. Not using sunscreen

Exposure to sun's rays is the primary culprit behind skin aging. You may not notice the effects when you are in your twenties, but as yo
ur skin matures, fine lines and dark sports can start to creep in. Even if you're holed up in the office from 9 to 5, you're still susceptible to UV rays because they can penetrate glass windows. To best way to guard against this: Use a sunscreen with at least SPF 15 that's labeled "broad-spectrum", meaning it guards against both UVA and UVB rays.

Suggested product: Forever Aloe Sunscreen

Forever Aloe Sunscreen combining modern science with natural ingredients, this effective sunscreen helps to soothe, lubricate, moisturize and protect the skin against sunlight and wind. With an SPF of 30, Forever Aloe Sunscreen blocks both UVA and UVB rays, while this silky, smooth lotion made with pure stabilized aloe vera gel, rich moisturizers and humectants, maintains the skin’s natural moisture balance.

4. Washing with hot water

Washing your face with hot water strips skin of its natural oils, causing dryness and irritation. The ideal temp is lukewarm. Don't want to give up hot showers? Wash your face first with room-temperature water before you take your steamy bat

5. Using expired beauty products

Do you keep track of the use-by dates of your makeup and skincare products? Most women haven't a clue. Which spells bad news, because these are things you apply directly on your face. Products past their shelf life can become ineffective or worse, harbor bacteria that can potentially trigger an infection or breakout. Mascaras, for example, should be discarded 6 months after opening. Retinoids and AHAs are effective for 3 months to a year, while antioxidant skincare with vitamin C lasts 6 months. If you are using preservative-free products, you should be extra vigilant as these have a much shorter shelf life.

6. Neglecting your neck

Most of us won't hesitate splurging on the best skincare for our face, but we tend to forget about lavishing the same TLC on our neck. Skin around the neck area is just as delicate as our face's and requires equal attention. When you're applying moisturizer and sunscreen, don't forget to slather it on your neck and decolletage, too.

Information from: http://www.shoppinglifestyle.com and https://www.foreverliving.com

Friday, July 23, 2010

After months of searching, We finally found the perfect "HOME" for our business.

Our Ideal Home consist of

- A Hall which is big enough for 40 pax.
- A cozy area
- A Facial Room, 2 beds
- A little pantry area
- A little library corner
- A full range of products display
- Air-conditional
- Carpeted
- Accessible to MRT
- Good Food around
- Direct lift to our office
- Auspicious Unit number**** (the most important factor)

We are in the mist of beautifying our home and once it is ready, I will post some photo of it.

This will be the mark of our future endeavours!

Go Go Go....
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