Special Video of the Month
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Who knows that Forever products can be used in the cooking?
Who knows that these food are still so delicious and nutrition?
Who knows that you can enjoy these 32 type of food for only $2?
Ans: Those people who attended the Forever Food Fair!
Those who missed it, too bad for you... good things don't wait for you. :p
Contributed by Angela Lim
Forever yours,
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Dear Friends,
Skin Problems Helped by Aloe Vera
Some of the skin complaints that aloe vera can relieve
- Acne and pimples
- Itching
- Sores
- Burns
- Sunburn
- Itching
- Eczema
- Pigmentation
- Psoriasis
- Warts
- Wrinkles and other signs of aging
- Minor wounds, scratches and cuts
- Swelling
- Bruises
- Boils
- Hives and other skin problems caused by allergies
- Insect bites
- Foot fungal infections
- Bedsores
- Corns
- Excess oil and dryness
What Does Aloe Vera Do For the Skin?
How it helps
- Is anti-inflammatory
- Is anti-bacterial - it is especially good for controlling the bacteria that cause acne
- Help the skin to hydrate itself
- Helps to remove dead skin cells
- May help to reduce scarring
- Helps beneficial substances to transport through the skin
- Helps to relieve pain from burns, cuts etc.
Studies on aloe vera have shown that it can aid in the healing of burns and wounds, and decrease redness and swelling. Creams containing aloe gel and aloe vera extract have also been found to be effective in treating frostbite and psoriasis respectively. There are no known side effects associated with using aloe vera topically, although it is always wide to do a patch test when applying any new substance to your skin, just in case.
The Best Aloe Vera Skin Care Products
What to look for
- Ensure that it's made with good quality aloe vera, and that it contains adequate concentrations to fulfil its claims. Many products don't actually contain enough aloe vera to have much effect!
- Organically produced ingredients are preferable
- Avoid products that are full of unnecessary preservatives, colourings, perfumes and other additives
- Look for product reviews online to see what others are saying
- Try a patch test first in case of bad reactions (adverse reactions to aloe vera are very rare, but sometimes other ingredients in aloe vera products can cause problems)
- Make your own - this is the best way to ensure that you are getting a quality a product, and can be quick and easy, especially if you just use the gel on its own
I'm so impressed and proud as FOREVER LIVING PRODUCTS' Aloe Vera fulfills all the criteria above! Let's continue to share the wonders of Aloe Vera to our loved ones! =)
Contributed by Weitian
Forever Yours,
1. 冒痘痘的位置与健康 讯息
冒痘痘的位置可能显示出身体的警讯,你知道吗?你可能 要看看是否真的该保养身体了。
额头 | 代表心火旺、血液循环有问题,可能是过于劳心伤神。 |
鼻子 | 如果长在鼻梁,代表脊椎骨可能出现问题;如果是长在鼻头处, |
下巴 | 表示肾功能受损或内分泌系统失调。女生容易 b 下巴周 围长痘痘的可能是月事不顺所引起的。 |
左边脸颊 | 可能是肝功能不顺畅,如肝脏的分泌、解毒或造血等功能出了状况。 |
右边脸颊 | 可能是肺部功能失常。 |
2. 如何 检视指甲的健康
指甲色泽 | 通常是淡粉红色,但若太常使用指甲油、去光水,也会使指甲变黄。 |
指甲的韧度 | 用其他手指按压指甲尖端,若能略为弯曲表示硬度刚好, |
指甲板是否光滑 | 有时从侧面观看会发现沟痕,那就要多滋养指甲,让情况改善。 |
周围皮肤 | 指甲周围皮肤若是过于干燥、粗糙,就要利用按摩与保养, |
3. 指甲的病征
指甲可以反 应健康状况,观察指甲的变化,可以了解身体有哪些病征。
指甲过白 | 慢性贫血或肝、肾有问题。 |
白斑 | 缺乏锌,可由海产类、菠菜、菇类、五 类、葵瓜子等摄取补充。 |
容易破裂 | 缺乏铁质,可由深绿色叶菜类、鱼类、豆类、五 类等补充。 |
指甲过黄 | 缺乏维他命 E ,也可能是淋巴系 统、呼吸系统有问题。维他命E 可由深绿色蔬菜、水果中摄取。 |
凹凸不平 | 若还有出现一条条的条纹,可能是肝不好。 |
4. 如何从唇色 观察健康状况
唇色苍白 | 若指甲、眼睑也苍白,可能有贫血。 |
唇色青紫 | 若非因为气温过于寒冷,有可能是有贫血、心脏方面问题。 |
唇色淡黄 | 若脸色、眼白一样呈黄色,可能是肝功能不好。 |
唇色红紫 | 若非发烧或一氧化碳中毒,就可能有心脏病、肺病、 |
5. 从排泄物看健康
份量 | 每次以两三条为适量。 |
形状 | 直径两三公分的条状为佳,过软或呈颗粒状则表示肠子有老化状况。 |
气味 | 正常者应没有强烈的味道,若有 □ 臭味、焦臭味、腐 败味,则是有肠老 |
颜色 | 黄色为正常,颜色愈深表示肠老化状态愈严重。 |
硬度 | 排便时若无压迫感或泻肚子状态则为正常。 |
6. 生理 时钟表
时段 | 时期 | 工作 |
午夜 12:00 ~ 1:00 | 浅眠期 | 多梦而敏感,身体不适者易在此时痛醒。 |
凌晨 1:00 ~ 2:00 | 排毒期 | 此时肝脏为排除毒素而活动旺盛, 应让身体进入睡眠状态,让肝脏得以完成代谢废物。 |
凌晨 3:00 ~ 4:00 | 休眠期 | 重症病人最易发病的时刻,常有患病者在此时死亡, 熬夜最好勿超过这个时间。 |
上午 9:00 ~ 11:00 | 精华期 | 此时为注意力及记忆力最好,且工作与学习的最佳时段。 |
中午 12:00 ~ 1:00 | 午休期 | 最好静坐或闭目休息一下再进餐,正午不可饮酒,易醉又伤肝哦! |
下午 2:00 ~ 3:00 | 高峰期 | 是分析力和创造力得以发挥淋漓的极致时段! |
下午 4:00 ~ 5:00 | 低潮期 | 体力耗弱的阶段,最好补充水果来解馋,避免因饥饿而贪食致肥胖。 |
下午 5:00 ~ 6:00 | 松散期 | 此时血糖略增,嗅觉与味觉最敏感,不妨准备晚膳来提振精神。 |
晚上 7:00 ~ 8:00 | 暂憩期 | 最好能在饭后 30 分钟去散个步或沐浴,放松一下,纾解一日的疲倦困顿。 |
晚上 8:00 ~ 10:00 | 夜修期 | 此为晚上活动的巅峰时段,建议您善用此时进行商议,进修等 要思虑周密的活动。 |
晚上 11:00 ~ 12:00 | 夜眠期 | 经过镇日忙碌,此时应该放松心情进入梦乡, |
要把它传给每一个你 . 你认识的朋友
Forever yours,
John DeLorean told me that shortly after he had become general manager of Chevrolet he attended a sales conference in Dallas, and when he arrived at his hotel suite he discovered that someone from the company had delivered a huge basket of fruit to his room. Remarking to an associate on the basket’s size and variety he commented, humorously, he thought, “What? No bananas?”
From that moment on, the word throughout General Motors was “John DeLorean loves bananas.”
No matter how many times he attempted to explain that he had only meant to be amusing, bananas kept showing up in cars, chartered planes, hotel suites—even in meetings—and followed him throughout his career at Chevrolet.
Moral of the story: Be Careful What You Say When You’re the Leader
Source: What They Don’t Teach You at Harvard Business School by Mark H. McCormack
Contributed by Wen Cong
Forever yours,
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Our dear partner, Lena have wrote a letter to Forever Company to request for the latest list of products that are renewed as Halal / Islamic Certificate. (Click on the picture for clearer view)
From my understand, Forever has never failed to renew the cert of the products in every 5 years. Hence, customers can be assured that they are getting the best quality of the products.
As I can't upload the product list in the blog, because of the format, I will type out the list of products for you. :)
FLP Products Certified by the Islamic Society of California
The following products have been endorsed by the Islamic Society of California and our current certificate is valid for five years beginning February 2007 and expiring February 2012.
1. Aloe Berry Nectar
2. Aloe Blossom Herbal Tea
3. Aloe Lips with Jojoba
4. Aloe vera Gel
5. Aloe Vera Juice
6. Fields of Greens
7. Forever Fast Break
8. Forever A-Beta-CarE
9. Forever Absorbent C
10. Forever Active HA
11. Forever Active Probiotic
12. Forever aloe2Go
13. Forever Aloe Bit N' Peaches
14. Forever Aloe MPD
15. Forever Arctic-Sea
16. Forever B12 Plus
17. Forever Bee Honey
18. Forever Bee Pollen
19. Forever Bee Propolis
20. Forever Bright Toothgel
21. Forever Calcium
22. Forever Echinacea Supreme
23. Forever Freedom
24. Forever Garcinia Plus
25. Forever Garlic-Thyme
26. Forever Gin-Chia
27. Forever Ginkgo Plus
28. Forever Kids
29. Forever Lite
30. Forever Lite Ultra Chocolate
31. Forever Lite Ultra vanilla
32. Forever Lycium Plus
33. Forever Multi-Maca
34. Forever Nature-Min
35. Forever Nature's 18
36. Forever Pro 6
37. Forever Pomesteen Power
38. Forever Royal Jelly
39. Forever Vision
40. Sonya Lip Gloss
41. Sonya Lip Pencil
42. Sonya Lipstick
Contributed by Lena
Forever Yours,
Monday, June 29, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
The calendar for the month of July has been updated.
Many exciting classes for next month.
For those who are interested in the business opportunities
(1) OPP (M) by Angela Lim
(2) OPP (E) by Desmond Toh
For those who want to know more about Forever product range, you should attend these talks
(1) Forever Combo Pack - 22 items (M) by Chua Eng Seng
(2) Forever Aloe Vera Drinks (M) by Angela Lim
(3) Daily Used Products (M) by Angie Tan
(4) Forever Bee Products (E) by Agnes Lee
For those who are interested in the Skin Care products, you must not missed the skin care talks on
(1) Forever Beauty Pack (M) by Kelly
(2) Skin + Nutrition by Nutritionist.
New Talks of the month:
(1) Urinary Incontinence (E) by Nutritionist
(2) Forever Herbal Products (E) by Allan See Toh
Please Click on the Polaris Calendar (on the right side) for more information.
Contributed by Jasmine
Forever Yours,
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Yes, We have. Because we attended the 2 day 1 night training at the Quality Hotel.
Thanks to all committee members that make this 2 day 1 night training a successful one.
Get recharge and let's move nearer to our goals!
Singapore Flyer photos for you to see. We have so much fun!
Short Video... :)
contributed by Jasmine
Forever yours,